The third Connect Talk event was held
The third Connect Talk event was held
Date : 2024/02/02

The third Connect Talk event, titled "ConnectTalk-Bridge: Effective Communication of Iranian Expert Migrants with their Homeland", took place on February 2nd, 2024. The event was attended by a diverse range of specialists from the Connect Plus program, along with academic elites and national Olympiad champions.


The Organization for Development of International Cooperation in Science and Technology has been administering the Connect platform since 2015, and its initiative aims to leverage the experience, knowledge, and innovative ideas of Iranian elites and entrepreneurs living abroad for the benefit of their country. The Connect Talk is one of the key derived events from Connect which showcases the real-life experiences of Iranian elites involved in Connect, both domestically and internationally. These talks delve into themes of migration, return, and the impact these elites have within Iran. The third Connect Talk event, titled "ConnectTalk-Bridge: Effective Communication of Iranian Expert Migrants with their Homeland," took place on February 2nd, 2024. The event aimed to connect the experiences and expertise of Iranian professionals abroad with potential contribution opportunities within the country. Prominent speakers, specialists, academic elites, Olympians, and other interested individuals participated in the 3rd Connect Talk.


The event was opened by Ali Hosseini speech, the manager and founder of the Connect platform. He described Connect's role in facilitating collaboration opportunities and fostering communication with Iranian elites abroad. Highlighting the impressive presence of Iranians in leading global institutions, he underscored the valuable role these specialists can play worldwide.


The event then featured presentations by four prominent Connect program specialists. Dr. Masoud Shadnam emphasized the importance of self-construction before migration and argued that an individual's internal qualities, such as optimism, are more influential than external factors.



Dr. Farshad Haqpanah highlighted the sense of ownership as a key element for success at prestigious institutions. He emphasized students' responsibility towards their future as instrumental in their achievements.



Dr. Sara Pahlavan stressed the importance of effort in achieving goals. She conveyed the message that success requires dedication and hard work.



Peyman Meharabian shared his experiences and emphasized the value of perseverance and enduring hardships on the path to achieving dreams.



Throughout the event, attendees actively engaged with the speakers through questions and discussions. This interactive format fostered networking and connection-building among those present.